Schools pack and talks

#LifeorKnife schools pack
(60 min)
West Midlands Police have created their own #LifeorKnife – the choice is yours schools pack for officers, or even teachers to deliver into schools. The packs include:
- A ready-made PowerPoint presentation
- A supporting lesson plan and information
- Helpful delivery guidance
The pack which is aimed at young people aged around 14 and above, centres around the choices young people have, knife crime facts, and the impact it can have on those around them.
It is an engaging presentation made up of quizzes, audio and impacting true-life local case studies of victim’s families, offender’s stories and their families.
To access this pack please contact your local policing team who can arrange a visit or send you the pack.
Due to the powerful nature of the pack content, the presentation is not allowed to be delivered outside of a school environment.
Stop and Search schools pack
(30 min)
To aid the #LifeorKnife schools pack, West Midlands Police have created a pack for schools around Stop and Search.
The presentation teaches young people what Stop and Search is, the powers it includes as well as what young people can expect to happen if they ever find themselves in a Stop and Search situation.
The packs include:
- A ready-made PowerPoint presentation
- A supporting lesson plan and information
- Helpful delivery guidance
To access this pack please contact your local policing team who can arrange a visit or send you the pack.
Precious Lives Project
(60 min)
The Precious Lives Project, funded by the Police and Crime Commissioner Simon Foster, works with young people in schools to divert them away from youth violence.
The Precious Lives project sees a team of trainers, who have real life experience of knife crime either as a victim, offender or professional, speak to young people in order to help them understand the consequences of carrying or using a knife. The trainers share their experiences and pass on the lessons they’ve learnt to the class. The sessions are designed to be hard hitting and impactful with an emphasis placed on connecting with the young people and delivering a message.
For more information or to Book a session, please email Natalie Cox.
See further help and advice for other programmes that can be delivered in your school.